Ethan's Legacy

You Can Leave a Legacy of Compassion
Ethan was near death when we found him. He had been without food and water for many days, had hookworms, heartworm, and was too weak to walk. After days of aggressive medical care, and months of continued treatment, Ethan was able to go to his new home, where he is safe and happy. Ethan's Legacy represents compassion and hope for the future.
We hope you will consider becoming a part of Ethan's Legacy. The members are a group of dedicated supporters who have made a future financial commitment to provide a voice for animals for generations to come.
Membership is easy. No immediate donation is necessary. You simply need to name The Fayette County Humane Society (our legal name) as a beneficiary in your will, trust, insurance policy, donor-advised fund, or foundation. You can make your gift anonymous or, with your permission, we can publicly acknowledge your commitment.
There are several ways to include the animals in your future plans:
- Include the Fayette County Humane Society in your will or trust
- Donate appreciated stocks
- Donate other assets such as real estate
- Make the Fayette County Humane Society the beneficiary of your retirement funds or insurance policy
We hope you will consider including The Fayette County Humane Society as part of your legacy. Your foresight will help create lasting solutions that celebrate animals and end suffering today and for the future.
Because of generous, forward-thinking friends like you, we will continue to confront animal cruelty, provide medical care to sick and injured animals, and find homes for the homeless.
We always recommend that you speak to your financial advisor about your future plans.
The Fayette County Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Tax ID # 31-1009520
For more information, please submit this form